National Youth Leadership Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

Benefit Bass Tournament

May 14, 2016 from 7:00am-3:00pm

Norfork Lake   Panther Bay Marina


The purpose of this tournament is to raise money for two 8th grade students, Chaney Weindruch and Abby Brantner, to attend the Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) camp in Dallas in June 2016.  Chaney and Abby were chosen by one of their teachers as candidates to go to this camp based on their abilities, knowledge, and acceleration in these subjects.  Chaney and Abby are best friends and have decided that they will only go if they can go together, so all of their fundraising has been together.  The total cost for both of them to attend is around $5000.


$100 entry fee per boat/team with 50% being paid back to 1st (1500), 2nd ($700), and 3rd ($300) place (based on 50 boats)

$5 big bass with 100% being paid back

Registration will begin at 6:00am

Shotgun start at 7:00am

The weigh-in will be at Panther Bay Marina at 3pm. where the winners will be declared and prizes awarded. Please notify Kirk Knapp at 870-405-4916 if you plan to attend.  Click Here To Download Registration Form 

At Suit7 we feel it is important to invest our communities future.  There is no better way than investing in the next generation by supporting interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; this is how our communities will stay competitive in the future.   Sign up for some friendly competition for a good cause.

By Timothy Knepp - en: Image:Micropterus salmoides 2.jpg from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Public Domain,
By Timothy Knepp – en: Image:Micropterus salmoides 2.jpg from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Public Domain,